(No) Vacancy

(India ink on paper, 18”x13.5”)

The Half-life series concludes with the eighth and final piece, (No) Vacancy. I chose to finish the series by focusing on the spiritual aspect of being— the one that so often goes ignored, despite its paramount importance. We are all spiritual creatures, and we neglect that truth to our own detriment. Detachment fails as a viable option, because the choice to not engage or care becomes a default spiritual stance, like it or not. The title of this piece recalls a roadside motel sign, the key word “No” always present whether lit up or dark. In a similar way, spiritual needs persist even when buried or unacknowledged. How are we reconciled in this reality, then? I attempted to convey a transition in this drawing, depicting in the center of the composition a gradient from dark to light and the hair of each figure entwined. In the here and now, I feel like I occupy this messy middle, waiting to fully emerge into the light at the last.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” (KJV Bible, 1 Cor. 13.12)

This type of imagery is also referenced in the lyrics to the song I’ve chosen to accompany (No) Vacancy on the Half-life playlist: “Strange Things Happening Every Day” by Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Sister Rosetta performed a minor miracle here, interpreting this traditional spiritual as a response to hypocrisy in the church and pretty much inventing the rock and roll genre while she was at it. Marvel at it here:



Is That All There Is?